According to the conclusions of the special Eurobarometer 419, “Public Perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation” (October 2014), a large proportion of Europeans believe that science and technological innovation will have a positive impact in addressing most of the issues facing society in the next 15 years. “Education and skills” appears as one of the high priorities expressed by respondents. In this context, it becomes necessary to go beyond academia and disseminate the results of the project to the general society.

In this section you will find work related to Work Package 5.

Sensograph: Fast sensory evaluation using computational geometry

In this article, David Orden tells us about applications of coputational geometry to Sensory profiling, a very important tool in food industry, crucial in order to adapt the products to consumers’ preferences.

Down in the depths 'on' Carathéodory's theorem

Convex geometry is a branch of mathematics which, despite dating back from ancient times, has boosted particularly in the last century. Its main object of study are those sets being closed under convex combinations, called convex sets. I this article, David Orden tells us about recent results related to Carathéodory's theorem, a classical theorem in convex geometry.

Triangulations and face morphing

Face morphing has become quite popular in the last years; from mixing the faces of two celebrities to guessing how your baby could look, many TV shows and apps use software which changes one face into another through a continuous and smooth transition. In these articles, David Orden tells us about the morphing of triangulations.

In this section you will find information about activities in which CONNECT has participated directly or indirectly, along with links to media coverage of these activities.


Media coverage about CONNECT

Fundación Descubre and Catalunya Vanguardista published a note about the work in Work Package 1 in CONNECT. Sites in spanish.


Media coverage about CONNECT

Gaceta UNAM published a note about CONNECT. Site in spanish.


INFLA: CONNECT and flamenco

The 5th Inter-Disciplinary Conference RESEARCH & FLAMENCO (Investigación y Flamenco, INFLA) was organized as part of the Work Package 4 of CONNECT. It was held at the Higher Technical School of Engineering, University of Seville. Seville, Spain on June 7 and June 8 2018.

In the following sites you can find coverage related to the conference (in spanish): Cadena SER, El Giraldillo.


IX Spanish Workshop on Geometric Optimization

The IX Spanish Workshop on Geometric Optimization was organized by José Miguel Dí­az Báñez in Huelva, Spain from June 18 to June 22 of 2018. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of open problems, techniques, and research in the field of geometric optimization. In this workshop, the open problems focus on Geometric and Graphs Algorithms for drones.

In the following sites you can find coverage related to the workshop (in spanish): Condavisión, Diario de Huelva, Huelva Red and USE communication portal.


Media coverage about CONNECT

In the following site you can find coverage about CONNECT (in spanish): Alianza Tex.


Segundo Encuentro de Mujeres Matemáticas Mexicanas

CONNECT was able to partially support funding of the Second Meeting of Mexican Women in Mathematics. This meeting brings together Mexican women mathematicians, both researchers and students, in order to create a forum for exchange and dialogue for women in the mathematical community.


Note about CONNECT

The UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) press site published a note about CONNECT (in Catalan).


Media coverage about CONNECT

In the following sites you can find coverage about CONNECT (in spanish): University of Alcalá Press, Soy de and La luna de Alcalá.